Educational Foundation of the Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians
La Fondation Pour L’Education de L’Association des Ex-Parlementaires de L’Ontario
Welcome to our home page. The Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians was established by legislation in the 37th Parliament, First Session - in Bill 65 on May 10, 2000 with all party support. Full information on the Association may be found at
Briefly, the primary objectives of the OAFP include offering experience in support of parliamentary democracy in a non-partisan way, to foster good relations between current members, and to serve the interests of former parliamentarians.
A group of former MPP’s, with the support of the OAFP, created a federally incorporated, independent, not-for-profit organization, the Educational Foundation of the Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians. The Foundation, which is also a registered charity, has set a goal of developing educational and outreach opportunities to expose Ontarians, particularly students, to the three branches of our democracy, legislative, executive and judicial.
While our efforts were delayed by the pandemic, we are delighted to be launching our first Educational Study Tour. On this website, you’ll find background information on the proposed Study Tour as well as the forms required for students to apply to participate in this falls’ tour.. Our first invitations are extended to students at the three Universities in Toronto, but our goal is to have a much wider invitation, with a larger group size, for subsequent events (after we work out any kinks!!)